Chief Executive Officer – Bryan Toki

Bryan has been involved in this industry for the past 17 years. Since leaving the New Zealand Defense Force in 1996, Bryan has worked through all the different levels of the industry from operator through to Managing Director roles. His brief working history is as follows:

1998 to 2000: Background Asia Risk Solutions (BARS) – Chief Operations Officer
2000 to 2006: Ihaea2000 Training Consultants – Managing Director
2006: Maritime Security Specialists – Managing Director
2006 to 2010: Hart Security – Maritime Protective Services – Global Director
2010 to 2012: Hart Security – Offshore Oil & Gas Operations – Global Director
2012 to Present: Vessel Offshore Management – Chief Executive Officer

Bryan’s ability to lead and inspire his men to accomplish complex missions is a testament to his 21 years’ experience in the New Zealand Defense Force. As a former Warrant Officer, Bryan held various training positions and roles throughout his career culminating in an advisory role prior to his retirement. Bryan has permanently established himself in Singapore whereby he has aligned himself to the demands of commercial bottom line expectations. To this end, Bryan is no stranger to all the commercial and technical obstacles of the industry thus he constantly keeps himself tuned into the network of agencies that ensure support for both the O/G and maritime industries.

Client relationship building is a concept Bryan and his fellow senior managers have transpired into a real time business ethos. Working closely with their clients Bryan and his team are able to focus on the true functional needs of their clients; they systematically went about learning how their clients functionally operate and then finally devised workable security plans to achieve successful outcomes.

As Bryan comments “Many operators and friends gave unselfishly to the success of these plans and to their credit paved the way in this business”


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